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d of second-place Apollon Limassol.The Cypr lebaobei123 0 64 15.06.2019 02:18
put up with the media circus that lebaobei123 0 79 15.06.2019 02:18
Jersey[/url] . That little lebaobei123 0 104 15.06.2019 02:18
mes can be dull, but if theres a CFL team that lebaobei123 0 84 15.06.2019 02:18
mes can be dull, but if theres a CFL team that lebaobei123 0 79 15.06.2019 02:18
.8 points in his first career playoff ser lebaobei123 0 69 15.06.2019 02:18
in the game after he was slammed int lebaobei123 0 70 15.06.2019 02:18
ombinations where guys are going lebaobei123 0 64 15.06.2019 02:18
scored for Baie-Comeau (44-15-4) lebaobei123 0 89 15.06.2019 02:18
asnt had a week like this in some ti lebaobei123 0 69 15.06.2019 02:17
ve on the Sky Sports Faceboo lebaobei123 0 64 15.06.2019 02:17
s contagious," Bryant said of sprea lebaobei123 0 69 15.06.2019 02:17
save in 16 chances. Arizonas Paul G lebaobei123 0 74 15.06.2019 02:17
Haymons did-that-just-happ lebaobei123 0 74 15.06.2019 02:16
ahead 76-56. Three more 3-pointers lebaobei123 0 64 15.06.2019 02:16
ical season for the latter, posting 47 poi lebaobei123 0 79 12.06.2019 05:57
cessive losses to Bradley and Ma lebaobei123 0 74 12.06.2019 05:57
n the previous four races but was left infuriated lebaobei123 0 89 12.06.2019 05:57
ox and skated at Penner before leaving his s lebaobei123 0 99 12.06.2019 05:57
oints and six rebounds in his second lebaobei123 0 74 12.06.2019 05:57
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